Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

New York State law requires Sexual Harassment Prevention Training annually
Sexual harassment prevention training is no longer something that only big corporate employers–or employers that have had issues with sexual harassment–provide to employees. Under New York State law, every employer, regardless of size or number of employees, is required to conduct sexual harassment prevention training for all employees by October 9, 2019, and annually thereafter.
Sexual harassment prevention training is also no longer just a "check the box" activity that employers can take lightly or ignore. New York State law requires the training program to be interactive and contain at least the following elements:
- An explanation of sexual harassment;
- Examples of prohibited conduct that would constitute unlawful sexual harassment;
- Information regarding federal and state laws concerning sexual harassment, and the remedies available to victims of sexual harassment; and
- Information regarding the employees’ rights of redress, and that sexual harassment complaints may be adjudicated through state or federal administrative agencies or the courts.
HR Compliance Experts has been conducting effective, engaging, and impactful sexual harassment prevention training for more than a decade. We are aware of all regulatory requirements for sexual harassment prevention training, and will continue to update our training as those requirements change.
For more information on Sexual Harassment Prevention Training that is customized for your business, contact us at, or call us at 585-380-1566. When you only have one chance to get it right, you need HR Compliance Experts.